Will I disappear if I stand between the climax of two magnets?
With the proposition of “will I disappear between the climax of two magnets?”, Deal further develop their theory of CHAOS FORCE in the context of specific site (land, structure, institution, and dead knowledge), gaze (perception, interference, and surveillance), and filters of language in this 3 part performance.
Using collected field recordings, video/film documents, and real time mythological fabrication and sound instrumentation that has partly been collected while in residency, Jordan probes how urban mythology, memory, storytelling, language, and the way we place ourselves in space disrupts, redistributes, and questions self-agency, power, violence, and authority.
Developed from the research Jordan investigated around chaos force: subversive currents and acts during their fellowship at Amant residency in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY. This performance is part of our For Your Reference series in which residents share and discuss a key reference for their ongoing research. The presentation is free and open to all. -Amant